Reddit article- People who work within Las Vegas casinos, what are some things that the casinos don't want the average gambler to know?


$$- What we don't want you to know is how many people

die in our hotels. Gamblers are risk-takers by nature, people come to casinos to tear it up. We bus in seniors by the thousands. Drugs and alcohol, non-stop consumption of cigarettes, lights, noise, spectacle!

People die in casinos ALL THE TIME. I've poked at least

three dead bodies sitting at slot machines thinking they were asleep and I don't work in the slot department.

$$- Honestly casino's are pretty transparent due to pretty strict gaming standards lol. At the majority of casinos I know of, they will state that there's a house advantage either posted on the walls or on the slot machines themselves.

Slot machines are created by teams of mathematicians in a way that will always favor the casino, but at the end of the day is still purely up to luck. There is no secret way to help your chances and no secret way to harm them. Ifa member of the casino staff has to attend to your favorite machine, they're just doing their job- not working as part of some evil ploy to make your machine start losing (even though unfortunately it's pretty often that people treat us like we are). If anything, the casinos want the average gambler to continue believing there's some secret to winning that we don't want to tell them, because as long as you believe there's a secret that you might find out one day, you'll continue gambling trying to find that secret winning strategy. The only secrets within casinos are the ones not about gambling. Like the fact you can and should go maybe 5 minutes west off the strip to find some cheaper food.

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