Reddit article- What Are Some Clever Questions Asked By Cops To Get You In Trouble?


A person replied...

I had a cop pull this devious tactic on me at a checkpoint. So, he's asking the usual questions where are you coming from? (work) where are you going? (home) How long have you worked there? etc

etc. And then he suddenly gets all casual and says "well if you ARE drunk, you sure fooled me". I know to be careful what I say to a cop

(because of the tricks they use) so just to be safe I didnt say anything. Just looked at him. He looks away for a second, says something else and then goes right back and says the exact same line. "Well, if you are drunk you sure fooled me". At that I KNEW something odd was going on. So I ask him if we were done and

could I leave? At that he let me go.

Later, after trying to figure out what that was all about I realized ifI had said anything to the affirmative (yes, uh-huh, or even nodded) it

would be as if I said "yes, I AM fooling you.. I AM drunk".

In my opinion, a pretty despicable way to get someone to unknowingly admit guilt to something they may not even be guilty of.

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