Reddit article- Reddit cab drivers, what's the deepest secret you have overheard?


The cab driver answered...

Former Uber driver here. Picked a girl up a sweet girl from a bar on a Wednesday night - absolutely hammered, about 10pm. She got into

my car, apologized for being so drunk and politely asked if we could just drive around a little while, with the windows


I was prepping for a cleaning fee, trying to drive and pull a vomit bag out of the glove box, but no, she just did that airplane thing with one hand out the backseat window. She was silently watching the sky and then suddenly she asked me if I had ever thought about dying, to which I replied, yeah, I guess so.

That's when she told me that she had cancer. It was in her brain and it was too far gone to consider chemo. I remember my heart just pounding. She told me she was dying and she was going to be okay. Tonight she was celebrating with her work friends who threw her a going-away party. She told them she was taking a position abroad.

"I just didn't tell them that abroad was heaven."

Jesus Christ. I turned off my app and cried all the way home.😭😭

Another interesting post on an experience of a Taxi/cab driver.

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