Reddit article- What's the weirdest thing you've see happen at a friend's house that they thought was normal ?


More of a date story...

Was on a date with a guy who was cooking dinner for me and his dog took a giant horse piss in the living room. I jumped up, a bit panicked, trying to get the guy's attention to what just happened. The guy didn't even look up when he said "Oh yeah, she does that sometimes" and that was it. I asked him if there was a towel and disinfectant I could use to help clean it up and the guy says "I'll just throw some Febreez on it after dinner". I suddenly realized the musty smell I noticed earlier wasn't from his cool and rustic cabin being under a canopy of trees, or that the floor in the same location that bowed when you stepped over it was because it was old. Ate dinner at a table that was couple feet away from the dog's toilet. I left as soon as I could.

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