Reddit article- What's the most messed up thing a family member of yours has done ?


A person replied...

My dad's a consummate prankster. His crowning achievement, in college, has since become Illegal in two states.

He and several buddies go to a Cadillac dealership at 5:00 on a Friday. This was before credit cards and automatic banking. They wrote a check for the asking price of one of the shiny new models, and drove off with it. They sell the car at a used Cadillac dealership

across town. The Used car dealer calls the New dealer, and tells him that the car was sold with the dealer plates still on, and the price tag is still in the window. New dealer figures that the check the

kids wrote is going to bounce, so he calls the cops.

My dad and his friends spend the weekend in jail. The banks open

monday morning. The check doesn't bounce. My dad and his friends sue the dealers and the state for wrongful imprisonment, and get a settlement of thousands of dollars more than the actual cost of the car.

Basically, the plan was to seem as shady as possible and get wrongfully arrested for it. And they had their lawyer set

up before they bought the car.

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